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[leetCode/JS] 151. Reverse Words in a String 본문
문제 설명
Given an input string s
, reverse the order of the words.
A word is defined as a sequence of non-space characters. The words in s
will be separated by at least one space.
Return a string of the words in reverse order concatenated by a single space.
Note that s
may contain leading or trailing spaces or multiple spaces between two words. The returned string should only have a single space separating the words. Do not include any extra spaces.
입출력 예
Example 1:
Input: s = "the sky is blue"
Output: "blue is sky the"
Example 2:
Input: s = " hello world "
Output: "world hello"
Explanation: Your reversed string should not contain leading or trailing spaces.
Example 3:
Input: s = "a good example"
Output: "example good a"
Explanation: You need to reduce multiple spaces between two words to a single space in the reversed string.
- 1 <= s.length <= \(10^4\)
- s contains English letters (upper-case and lower-case), digits, and spaces ' '.
- There is at least one word in s.
Follow-up: If the string data type is mutable in your language, can you solve it in-place with O(1) extra space?
내 솔루션
* @param {string} s
* @return {string}
var reverseWords = function(s) {
return s.split(' ').filter((w)=>w).reverse().join(' ')
// js array reverse 함수.
var reverseArr = function(array) {
const reArr = [];
for (let i = array.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
return reArr;
- JS라서 매우 쉬웠다. 휴우
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